
Depression Depression, a state of sadness has been assessed as a mood disorder. It can also be defined as the feelings of unhappiness, loss or anger that intervene with someone’s…

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Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder Overview Bipolar Disorder also called as the “manic-depressive infection” is a mental disease that reasons unusual shifts in mood, temper, strength, activity tiers, concentration and the potential to…

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Opioid Addiction

Opioid Addiction

Opioid Addiction Opioids are pain-relieving drug, which extract from opium poppy plant and is type of narcotic pain medication. Opioids substances produce morphine like effect by binding with opioids receptor…

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Schizophrenia Overview Schizophrenia is a serious intellectual or mental disorder in which humans interpret truth abnormally. Schizophrenia may result in the shape of some of hallucinations, delusions & extraordinary disordered…

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What Is Narcissism

What Is Narcissism? Overview The Narcissist, a term often being utilized in an unusual discussion is to explain “anyone” who seems a piece self-worried. However, in phrases of scientific mental…

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Alcoholism & Gambling

Alcoholism & Gambling Alcoholism and Gambling addictions have virtually identical measures. It is a risky combination that causes not only a sole severe harm to the stricken individuals but additionally…

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One-no-One Counseling

One-no-One Counseling Counseling is form of talking therapy; goal of counseling is identify the cause of behavior and to implement the changes that will help prevent a relapse going forward. …

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Mindfulness Therapy

Mindfulness Therapy What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness therapy is non-judgmental approach to bring the awareness of the physical, emotional spiritual aspects of individual’s life. Mindfulness therapy teaches the array of techniques…

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Relapse Prevention

Relapse Prevention What is relapse? Relapse is define as continue the drug abuse after individual have been abstinent for some time. According to an estimates that 40 to 60 percent…

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Methamphetamine ( ICE) Addiction

Methamphetamine ( ICE) Addiction Methamphetamine is illicit recreational drug, which is highly addictive and a strong stimulant for our central nervous system. It is the form of amphetamine and second…

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